Become a No Tie Supporter

We need your help! Please select the ways you're interested in supporting No Tie for more information on how to sign up.

Monetary Sponsorship

100% of your sponsorship goes directly toward supporting ASD’s 200+ residents. 

Host a Dinner Party

We can’t have No Tie without the Dinners! Throw or attend a dinner party, then head to the main event!

provide desserts

Fill one of our many dessert stations with 150 bite-sized treats, and promote your business to our hundreds of guests!

donate goods/services

Many businesses in the community support No Tie by offering discounted or free goods/services!

donate auction items

Our silent auction is made possible by generous donations from our community.


Our volunteers are the heart of this event! You’ll get free tickets to No Tie as thanks for your work.

Why Support No Tie?

As thanks for your generosity, we offer Supporter Perks!